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Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical modality based on an ancient philosophy that describes the universe and the body in terms of two opposing forces: yin and yang. When these forces are in balance, the body is healthy. Energy, called "Qi" (pronounced "chee"), flows along specific pathways called meridians throughout the body. This constant flow of energy keeps the yin and yang forces b... Read More

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical modality based on an ancient philosophy that describes the universe and the body in terms of two opposing forces: yin and yang. When these forces are in balance, the body is healthy. Energy, called "Qi" (pronounced "chee"), flows along specific pathways called meridians throughout the body. This constant flow of energy keeps the yin and yang forces balanced. However, if the flow of energy gets blocked, like water getting stuck behind a dam, the disruption can lead to pain, lack of function, or illness. Acupuncture therapy can release blocked Qi in the body and stimulate function, evoking the body’s natural healing response through various physiological systems. Modern research has demonstrated acupuncture’s effects on the nervous system, endocrine system, immune system, cardiovascular system, and digestive system. By stimulating the body’s various systems, acupuncture can help to resolve pain, improve sleep, digestive function, and promote optimal well-being.

Facial Rejuvenation & Microneedling

Facial Rejuvenation & Microneedling are two ancient Chinese medicine beauty modalities based on principles of moving qi, blood, and engendering flesh. In biomedical terms there is an increase of keratinocytes and stem cells which produces more collagen and elastin in the face and skin to improve the skin's natural complexion, elasticity, and longevity, and beauty.

Fire Cupping

Fire cupping therapy is a noninvasive form of myofascial release that reduces muscle tension, unblocks stagnation, and aids in body detoxification. By creating a suction on the skin, glass cups boost blood & Qi flow making this therapy ideal for muscle recovery post workouts or after injury.

As a practitioner and forever student of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jessica’s mission is to bridge the gap between western and eastern philosophies of medicine to help those who may not be feeling fulfilled in treating their ailments via conventional medical routes. She believes in an integrated approach to holistic health and overall wellbeing. Having experienced a variety of chronic symptoms that were not tied to any single western diagnosis after college, she embarked on a journey to better her own health. She discovered the incredible healing benefits of Chinese medicine and herbs, which greatly improved her chronic fatigue, high stress & anxiety, weight fluctuations, as well as, idiopathic hair loss..

Since then, she has been passionate about sharing her discoveries with those that share a similar experience or those simply looking for answers to their health concerns not previously found elsewhere. As a practitioner, she honors the beauty and complexity of traditional medicine. She understands the practice is something to behold and something that should be shared with deep care and respect for its ancestry. By working closely with her patients, she works to find solutions that transcend beyond the walls of the treatment room by implementing food therapy, meditation, breath work, and other self care practices to address the root of the symptoms at hand.

Jessica is a Board Certified Acupuncturist, licensed to practice as a primary care provider in the state of California. She received her Bachelor’s of Arts in Integrative Physiology from University of Colorado at Boulder, and went on to complete her graduate degree at Emperor’s College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Santa Monica, California..

As a practitioner and forever student of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jessica’s mission is to br... Read More

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